Friday, August 11, 2006

Booking Through Thursday

Each Thursday, this blog posts a meme, or questions about books and reading. I thought it might be interesting to participate once in a while. The below meme is about planning ahead. My answers are in blue.

  1. Do you plan ahead for your reading? Work off of a to-be-read pile? A reading list? Or do you wing it, choose whatever you're in the mood for? I pretty much pick out books based on my mood. If I am in a very upbeat and happy mood I tend to pick up some light, no-brainer reading, or books that make me laugh out loud like The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson or Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress by Susan Jane Gillman. Otherwise I look through my bookshelves for something with a bit more substance.
  2. If you do plan ahead, how far ahead? Do you have two or three books waiting in queue? Or are you backed up by dozens of volumes waiting their turn? OK, here is my confession - I buy WAY too many books. This, by the way, runs in the family (just ask my sister). When I am about to finish a book I then check out my two overstuffed bookshelves for my next read. I have most recently been donating some of my "already been read and didn't really enjoy" books to my library. You know, so I can buy more.
  3. If you do not plan ahead . . . well, never? What about if you're reading a series? Or someone gives you a book for a present? I have received many wonderful books as gifts, but usually they sit on my shelf for months or years until one day I just pick them up.

Anyone else want to share how they plan their reading material?


wzgirl said...

My book stash is a lot like my yarn stash. Sometimes I acquire with a purpose & sometimes just because it looks pretty...or fun.

Beeb said...

I'm with Wendy on the stash "problem" (if you want to call it a problem :) ). Books and yarn both make me want more.
I do have a stash of unread books that I'd love to choose from for the next read, but somehow there are always new ones that call my name. The Written Word's choice is next in line, just as soon as I finish Gilead - beautifully written, but not one that calls to me from the nightstand.

Tammy said...

I like to read book reviews in the newsletters at the library, and the librarian picks are usually good too. I also keep a list of books in my filing cabinet, so when I hear about a good book (friend, tv, radio, internet, wherever), I write it on my list so I don't forget it.

Lastly, I'm a loyal fan to a good author & if I like a book of theirs I'll read every one (not always in succession; but, if I start to predict the end or their books & the storylines become predictable, I move on).

JerseyGirl said...

I too buy way too many books. I have a shelf full of "To Be Reads" that I like to pull from, but I don't really read in any particular order. I suppose my mood dictates a lot of my choices as well. Recently I've also started keeping a written list of recommendations and books I would like to get to someday...I'm itching to get to the bookstore tomorrow and pick up a few.

TBG Happenings said...

I buy a ton of books, but usually only one at a time. I of course can't keep a good book to myself and I usually lend the out......never to be seen again. My son has inherited this book buying ( with my money:), but where I am usually happy with a paperback, his tend to be hardcover! Ugh, he needs to use his library card!!


Polar Bear said...

Just had to say I finished our book today. I started it Friday night and couldn't put it down, unless you count the time I had to work, or hubby wanted to do yard work.

I can't wait to talk about it! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Christina said...

Well I will try to answer the questions you asked.
1. I don't really have a plan, but you know me, I don't actually plan anything. I try to pick off to be read pile, but so far that hasn't exactly panned out.
2. I am backed up by literally hundreds of books, but does that stop me from buying or joining your book club? No!!!!!
3. I get books as presents and I sometimes actually get around to reading one.
Dominic always asks why I keep lugging all these books around. Like isn't that a stupid question anyway. I just tell him I plan on reading these someday. He kind of smirks like Yah right. I just hope I can get to some of them in the next 40 years. I once read a post where a woman thought she may almost like the finding of a new book better than the reading of it. This sounds like me sometimes. I get so excited when I get my hands on it and then it sits there for years. Can you figure this out? If you do let me know.

Laura said...

If you only have 2 over-stuffed bookcases, then you don't have nearly enough books. Keep on gettin' 'em! LOL

Puddin' said...

I just "discovered" my love of books about 2 years ago! I HATED reading up until then. If I had to read a book, it was a chore. Can you imagine that?!

Well, now I can't stop reading! I love to read and I pretty much chose my books from the NY Times Best Sellers list. If it's on the list, I'll read it! Even if it's a Dr. Laura book! Don't even get me started on The Proper Care and Feeding Of Husbands! But, it was in my mind a great book, because it ruffled my feathers and caused me to question her beliefs.